Award winning Dutch photographer Alice van Kempen was introduced to photography at a very young age. Ever since she can remember she has had a camera in her hand. Her love for animals is often reflected in her photography. As new ideas are constantly streaming through her brain she came up with the idea to let her dog pose as a model in abandoned buildings. This idea resulted in an ongoing series ‘Furbex’. Urbex photography with a furry twist. Alice also explores abandoned buildings without Claire, because it’s sometimes impossible to get Claire in or because it’s too dangerous for her, for example industrial buildings. The series without the dogmodel is known as ‘Alice in Ruins’.
As ideas often lead to new ideas Alice decided to use long shutterspeeds photographing dogs at play. The blur you used to see, in the early days, when the subject moved but now combined with the super sharp images of today’s digital camera.
When, early 2020, travel came to an end due to the Corona crisis she built a small studio at home to create entirely new work. She’s working on several series at the moment, a few photographs of the new series ‘Hot Dogs’ and ‘Sausage Dogs’ are published on this website.